

Kairros provides professional advice on a range of health management and re-employment issues for employers, insurers and clients.

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Assisting you through COVID-19

We are pleased to advise that Kairros’ services will continue as normal, with additional safety precautions enacted to ensure the safety of our team, injured persons and the community.

Where face-to-face communications are not currently possible due to the social distancing policy and/or client preference, Kairros is able to continue providing services promoting health and well-being via market-leading video conferencing technology. This will enable NTD case conferencing, job seeking, vocational counselling and even worksite/ergonomic assessments to continue unaffected.

More specifically, Kairros has three areas of renewed focus to ensure recovery is facilitated in these trying times:

Physical health

In the absence of suitable duties, Kairros will promote daily activity planning with clients, to promote physical conditioning, recovery and the countless other secondary benefits of regular physical activity. This will be facilitated by our consultants initially to design the program, support by our automated SMS program and reviewed by all parties weekly.

Mental health

Knowing the strain that COVID-19 is placing on many of us, Kairros has developed tailored counselling services and supportive documentation to assist clients. This focuses on appropriately managing our worries, as well as ensuring a sense of routine and purpose in these trying times.

Social connection

Kairros has always valued social connection to promote and sustain recovery from injury. With our recently changed circumstances, we continue to promote social connectivity via online and telephonic means, with consideration given to those who are less technologically savvy.

Kairros is happy to provide advice regarding the above services to customers free of charge.

Please call the office on 1300 547 767, follow us on LinkedIn or browse our website for more information.


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