

Kairros provides professional advice on a range of health management and re-employment issues for employers, insurers and clients.

David Riley

Dave has a strong personal leadership brand both within Kairros and the greater NSW customer base. It is this personal brand which has enabled strong, long lasting customer relationships. Dave’s enthusiasm and innovation for a client centered approach is contagious and has resulted in staff engaging with new and inventive ideas to create a positive client experience.

Dave recognises the importance of his people in delivering excellence for customers and clients alike, and has worked hard to develop their confidence, skills and experience. Dave prioritises engaging staff in training and group discussions to develop their skills to foster positive customer relationships.

Dave is always on the hunt to learn new things, and if time weren’t an issue he would learn Russian and go on the Trans Siberian Railway. Dave’s adventures closer to home would include spending time with his wife and son… possibly at a Sharks game.

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