

Kairros provides professional advice on a range of health management and re-employment issues for employers, insurers and clients.

Redeployment and Recognition of Prior Learning

The Ripple Effect incorporates Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment as a means of motivating your clients and fast-tracking retraining opportunities, to achieve return to work and life outcomes.

With an average delay to referral of seven years within this cohort due to not working and stagnant or no current occupational rehabilitation, the Ripple Effect is achieving noteworthy results to mitigate this since the program commenced mid-2019.

The Ripple Effect process

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    Referral for the Ripple Effect

    • Stagnant or no current occupational rehabilitation
    • Not working
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    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Motivation & Competency Assessment

    • RPL gives candidates certification for experience
    • Kairros integrates scientific assessment tools to support meaningful engagement
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    The re-motivation process

    • Based on assessment outcomes, targeted intervention is provided
    • Client’s motivation is facilitated
    • Client experiences more meaningful engagement in life activities
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    Medical case conference

    • Capacity upgrading
    • Confirming NTD engagement for vocational redirection
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    Vocational Assessment and redirection

    • Incorporating newly established retraining pathways
    • Motivation-focused
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    Job outcome and life engagement

Engaging clients so they can engage with the community

One of our clients had been out of work for 5 years following a knee injury. The client noted significant social isolation and a complete lack of computer skills. After referral to the Ripple Effect in December 2020, the client worked with our Rehabilitation Consultant to confirm job options, more clarity around capacity for work and even engage with the community more via the local library. The client described our Rehabilitation Consultant as “a top operator – 10 out of 10!”

Educating clients back into work

One of our clients had been out of work for 3 years following a back injury and multiple surgeries. After referral to the Ripple Effect in September 2020, our Rehabilitation Consultant worked with the client to explain the workers compensation scheme and the health benefits of good work. The client was able to commence work as Safety Advisor in February 2021. The client is thrilled to be back in a routine and their mental health is flourishing as a result. The client was glowing in the review of our Rehabilitation Consultant’s support, particularly in relation to her advocacy and communication between all parties involved. ‘Great work’!

Kicking goals in the country

One of our clients, had remained off work and certified with no capacity for 3 years with a foot injury. Through counselling on sleep improvement strategies, regular exercise and community connection through the Ripple Effect program, the client’s capacity was upgraded and they have now sourced a role as a Driver, despite a very small regional labour market.

Speak to a member of our team today about the Ripple Effect and how we can support your client


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